3 Strategies for Growing Your Business While Keeping Your Risk as Low as Possible

There are so many different risks that business owners must deal with day in and day out that we strongly believe hiring and staffing should not be one of them. Here are our best performing tips to help companies grow their business while keeping risk to a minimum.


We realize that there are times when the scope of a temporary position is just that – temporary. However, temporary staff can be the source of some of the most productive and business-focused employees your company ever hires. That’s why we offer our clients the option of utilizing our temp-to-hire service to help meet short-term needs, while also taking into account future business goals. This service enables you to evaluate the contracted employee’s skills within your established work environment – affording you the ability to hire the right people for the right roles – again, with the underlying realization that we’re working to help you achieve and maintain your business objectives.


Temporary workers are as interested in developing their career as any other employee you will have hired. Keep that in mind when interviewing candidates for a temporary position, because your shortsightedness could be a missed opportunity. Highlighting career growth opportunities to the interviewee if they were to take a long-term position down the road addresses a number of issues that temporary workers are often concerned by. It says that you are loyal and committed to employees who are loyal and committed to the company. It also reassures candidates that any time spent on a contract job with your company is not time wasted in their career. Your business should be growing by leaps and bounds, and with the right employees who are as forward-thinking as the company they work for, you can all get there together.


While it’s true that you never really know what situation your company will be in a year’s time, or five years time. But if you are projecting business growth, you’ll need to plan for staff growth as well. This requires some long-term and strategic thinking around your recruiting practices. Skilled talent is in high demand no matter what industry you specialize in, and that trend is unlikely to change any time in the near future.

Recognizing high-quality talent and investing in their training on the job will set your temps up for success within their temporary position and in the long term as well. If a contract employee is a good fit for the company culture, is able to engage and collaborate well with their team, and understands the priorities and goals of their projects and the corporate strategy, they will in all likelihood make an excellent permanent addition to your team. That puts you in an excellent position to maintain a high-quality talent pipeline while mitigating any risks associated with hiring and recruiting.


For more strategic advice on growing your staff and your business, set up an appointment with a recruiting specialist at USPro and contact us today!