When you are looking into the variety of staffing options available to you, onsite management may come up but may not be familiar to you. Onsite management is a great option for those employers who see the need to hire a fully built team, and bring on board the project and staff managers that can be most effective at bringing them up to speed and keeping them on track. Here’s a closer look at how onsite management may work out for you.
If you have a lot of temporary staffers working at your company, and you also have your full-time and part-time employees, that’s a lot to manage. Onsite management is a great option. Because temporary workers function a bit differently than other employees, many companies find it helpful to bring a manager onsite, who is only in charge of the temporary staff. The manager of your temporary workers would act as an extension of your human resources department.
This reduces the administrative responsibilities that a company would need to take on when managing their temporary staff themselves, and helps them keep up with seasonal staffing demands. It also builds a more effective management relationship with the temporary workers, because they are closer to the action and able to work directly with the team to make sure they are as efficient as possible and have easy access to the support they need to succeed.
As an onsite manager would act as an extension of your human resources department, they are able to take away a lot of the strain of managing large groups of temporary staff for businesses. That means they take on the brunt of the administrative and hr duties associated with their team, from scheduling to timecards, payroll, to customized reports, and handling any administrative issue or conflict. All that can eat up a lot of time for an already busy project manager. It is also not likely the kind of work that they are used to day in and day out. An onsite staffing manager would be responsible for all of these duties of the temporary workforce, leaving your full time staff free to work with your other employees and focus on other responsibilities in human resources.
This is also true for those times when seasonal demands change the staffing requirements. An onsite manager would stay with you as your needs grow or shrink throughout the year. They can plan ahead for the busy season and be strategic in recruitment and onboarding activities so your company always has the support it needs, when they need it.
The efficiency of temporary staff is what makes them valuable, so make sure you are getting the most out of your hires by working with an onsite manager who knows how to motivate and encourage a temporary workforce to stay productive and keep morale high. This can mean daily check-ins or conflict-resolution, the manager is the one who can keep things going smoothly so you don’t have to.
For more tips on getting the most out of your temporary workforce, connect with the experts at US PRO today. Contact us today!