Define “Gig”
Freelancing, contracting, moonlighting, side hustle, or the gig economy. Call it what you like, but it’s a gig if it’s a short-term project instead of or in addition to the traditional nine to five. These projects usually have a start and end point. Both parties know that the work might be temporary.
Why Would Projects be Popular With Engineers?
The new generations of engineers found a recession economy, where entering the workforce full time wasn’t a possibility. New employees often become nervous after watching full time employees be stripped of benefits, laid off, or forced into early retirement. It’s understandable that committing to one company for the next decade sounds impossible.
What’s the Benefit?
Contract work offers more control for choosing personal insurance, working on specific skills, and choosing interesting projects. Most millennials see all of these aspects as an advantage, no including further networking and negotiating salary.
It’s Mainstream.
Americans have an increasing preference to work where they want, when they want, on what they want, according to Freelancing in America 2018 latest study. Contract work has been on the rise for the last five years, despite the tightening labor market. At the moment, there’s 56.7 million American freelancers. That’s one out of every three Americans. There’s a gig waiting for you!